Thursday, September 12, 2013




I just watched..

..Orla Fallon Christmas!


It might be another person other than just Ellen involved.. let's not get into that

Chloe Grace Moretz wants to take away teens from me.  Oh, she is 1.

Search me.

See what I did.  I was doing something on the inside.  I didn't really call anyone anything.

I looked..

..and saw that the shows still record 1 day in advance.  WOW.  No time to fix.  The 1st 2 shows were filmed more in advance for some reason.  I'm smiling on the inside.


What am I gonna do @ Ellen?  Just finished the last show.  It wasn't too upsetting.

Guess what, betta looks straight at me.  His krill is there, too, may clean out the bowl again.


I was touchy @ my dad, and now he seems more m*****ative..if you're American and know what that even means maybe.  Ugh!  I am tired!  You know what I mean..  Like, there are good ways to feel @ people and there may be bad ways.  So, why is Ellen the Southern 1, now?  My cousin is the youngest forever.


I says to my mom.. does Dad just want *** from us?


Yea, he was a bit nasty to me, and it's making me feel kinda distorted physically.

Now, I'm upset.


No one cares.

No one cares if it's Ellen to go to bed dirty with your wife now that's *beep* shit that doesn't make sense.


I'm upset.  My dad isn't taking a shower.  I don't think he uses a blanket.

I thought my mom was him when I came home.

I'm just waiting

to see you, the bad audiences, crack..
So, where exactly are my ^friends^ now?


I was born worse off than both parents, but I'm better.
♫ This land is your land..


It wasn't very much, but I mean it's evidence.  I can't do this.  My therapist can't fix it!!!!

So So Sorry

How can I be forgiven for takingout my temper on others?


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Just Finished

"The Ellen DeGeneres Show."  I am so frazzled.

Well, I liked the people.  I thought the Italian French guy really made "the" connection.  The singer was pretty smart but with a heart.  At the end was nice, that so nice African|black lady.

Whatcha Thinkin..

If you can't do something as shitty as that, then you'd be pretty dum dum by most standards..


Ellen pick me up.

What did I do?

(Did you see my post on Twitter?  }:] ..)


I'm trying to get happy, nothing has happened good..

I'm very sorry for..

..losing it.  I don't know what all happened, with the Anger Room.  I started out slow, but then I needed it.  I'm just upset, in general.

Did you know..

..I clean the fish bowl every day?  I pour the fish out.  I had a dream @ it like not showing and being like maybe a bright pink and smaller, maybe a girl.


Website - Problems

6 - I found that the road of these insults leads to Ellen DeGeneres, but I don't believe it's "just 'her.'"  I'm in like an experiment, unfortunately.  I used to never watch TV.  Like, she's sorting out issues in ways that are sorta mentally queer to sort out and that make you feel thrown out.  It becomes painful or uncomfortable to think on.

5 - My anger room page loads incredibly slow and in steps.


I sat through dinner with my dad.  I told him stuff and ended up saying k*** just as a joke for something I didn't mean but forget at times.

I have no idea how I could meet Ellen DeGeneres, like if I did something like talk on her show, nor how anyone could stand it.  I hope I get in Finding Dory.
New Text Box

She is old.

She doesn't care @ fine-tuning what actually happened.  I mean, you can't say it's ***y to tell someone they are bad and like swirl it about them because you can and were made to do it to certain people before.

I mean she's working in the trash.  She likes to be in the dirt because she's so much older.

Would you sayy

Ellen's mom looked new to New Orleans as a kid?  link

Also, her daughter is obsessed with northern shit, like, "because I said so."


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Do you want people to be famous like you if they have to say something?  I am at point A, but I've made several Point B's.


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It's nice how..

..the counter for my Blog Roll works.  They're not important, anyway.  That's what we wanted, right?  Too bad it doesn't seem to "pop up."

Problems Problems

I just find this sassing incredibly mean.  Other people get pampered for shit.

You don't need to tell me basic rules!  WHAT THE *BEEP* ARE YOU?

The Big Story

Now, Ellen DeGeneres ^did something^ better than me?  I know that, but I did something better than you..

So, we're all no better than "Taylor Swift?"  What a dum dum.

People on the radio genuinely suck..

..I need better

Something Hit Me

So, I do think Ellen DeGeneres found a certain goodness of me and followed me..I remember saying of course I'd look up all the people's backgrounds at the beginning of the week.  I just was following along and wondered @ something .. felt insulted and wondered if I'd be in trouble if I didn't really "make it," yet, but I made it this week.

What I'm talking @ is that she thinks I became bad down south, when people are bad up north.  She thinks she's a part of the south and I'm not.  I've lived here my whole life!  I don't need the m********** of my dad.  I already live with him!!!!


I'm gonna be out ironing, probably back in time for "The Ellen DeGeneres Show."  I don't know what supper's going to be, today, nor if we will do anything.

TV Show

Bethenny, I will ask my parents to get your channel.  I watch 1 1 hour TV show every weekday already but will try to watch yours for some down time.  :)


I am putting on Country for my betta.  They talk @ New Orleans, and I moved up there.  :|  ~


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